The event begins with a 5k at 8am and a parade from 9:30-11 and then the vendor fair with inflatables for the kids commences with a huge FREE corn feed! Tons of the sweetest Adel sweet corn is given away and you can eat all you want until they run out. There is a free will donation box there if you want to donate. There is usually a long line, but as soon as the feed starts, the line goes fast.
In past years KIOA was there giving out prizes and there were live animals and sheep sheering demonstrations. Lots of other food and product vendors are there as well selling the usual fair food like corn dogs and tenderloins.
This festival is worth the short drive to Adel for some of the most delicious corn and a fun morning.

Who doesn't love a celebration based around corn?!
Which festival is your favorite of the summer??
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