Mathnasium in West Des Moines is located right across the street from the Jordan Creek mall on 68th street. Mathnasium offers programs for kids from grades 1 to 12 all year long and even offers a special First Steps program in the summer for kids entering kindergarten and first grade. Or maybe you're like me and nervous by the thought that I'm going to have to help my kid out with his math homework! Eek! I'm pretty sure Mathnasium is going to spare me hours of my life that I would have spent figuring out algebra problems.
This is math that kids actually enjoy! While they are in the business of math tutoring, Mathnasium isn't just for students needing help in the area of math, it's for kids that love math and are looking to be challenged and have fun too!

Students attend just like a gym-nasium. It's a low, monthly fee for unlimited drop-in sessions. Heaven for a kid that loves numbers or a child that needs a little extra help in the area of math.
I love that there is an alternative in town for kids who may not be into sports but love math.
Dan Gehlbach is the owner and founded the West Des Moines center 2 years ago. In that time he has already helped hundreds of families. He is a native of the Des Moines area and has a passion for math. He has a blog that you can read here about a variety of interesting math topics like test taking tips and math myths. You can find them on facebook here. Or give Dan a call it 515-440-MATH for more info. I can't wait to try out the First Steps program with my kindergartner this summer!
I am hoping to get my first grader in this summer. The owners are very nice, and have a great reputation. I have heard nothing, but good things.